Day: May 3, 2018


How ‘America First’ could turn into to ‘India First’

What is an H-1B visa? America is great because of its willingness to accept talented immigrants. T..


Be prepared for these 6 trends in financial services

Now, more than ever, the millions of people working in financial services globally are uncertain abo..


Barclays Africa sacks KPMG amid alleged South African corruption links

Barclays Africa today withdrew its recommendation to reappoint KPMG as one of two joint auditors. T..


Emmanuel Macrons coalition of the willing

PARIS — Impatient with German foot-dragging on defense, French President Emmanuel Macron will bring ..


No bailout fund without representation

BERLIN — The next month will be a crucial one for the future of the eurozone. In May, the EU has to ..


Move over Britain, France is Americas special friend

Emmanuel Macron has been to Washington. He had a rollicking time with Donald Trump and delivered a s..


How Europe can punch back at Beijing and Washington

Theres a fight going on — for global technological and economic leadership. In one corner, the U.S. ..

Middle East

Saudi businesswomen to meet Dutch counterparts to develop leadership skills

Thu, 2018-05-03 00:08 RIYADH: A delegation of Saudi businesswomen will travel to the Netherlands ..

Middle East

Saudi Border Guards hold international training on law enforcement at sea

Thu, 2018-05-03 00:51 JEDDAH: Eighteen trainees from 17 countries took part in the eighth interna..

Middle East

New drive to showcase the treasures of Saudi Arabias ancient city of Al-Ula

Wed, 2018-05-02 23:52 RIYADH: The Royal Commission of Al-Ula (RCU) has launched an integrated pro..