Month: December 2018


Philip Hammond to set aside £3B more for Brexit preparations

LONDON — U.K. Chancellor Philip Hammond announced a major spending boost to stimulate the British ec..


France and Germany agree on eurozone reform

PARIS — Governments talk a lot about eurozone reform but cant get their act together. So its time fo..


Muriel Pénicauds magic formula to fix France

PARIS — Muriel Pénicaud has found a way of subduing Frances combative unions without having to call ..


Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting US farmers

Anti-Trump protests take place across Mexico Mexico is ready to hit the U.S. where it hurts: Corn...


Will the next iPhone charge wirelessly?

Happy 10th birthday, iPhone You may never have to plug in your iPhone again. Apple has joined an ..


How ‘America First’ could turn into to ‘India First’

What is an H-1B visa? America is great because of its willingness to accept talented immigrants. ..


Der Spiegels first-class faker

HAMBURG — Fake news wasnt invented by the Russians. The New York Times had Jayson Blair, who faked ..

Middle East

New snags hold up formation of Lebanon unity government

Efforts to finalize a deal on a Lebanese national unity government hit new snags on Saturday, postpo..

Middle East

Respite in Paris as yellow vest movement abates

The yellow vest protests, which have brought particular chaos to Paris over the past few weeks, abat..

Middle East

US envoy for fight against Islamic State quits over Trump’s Syria pullout

The resignation of Brett McGurk (left) follows that of Defense Secretary James Mattis (right), who q..