Month: December 2018

Middle East

Makkah governor reviews region’s healthcare performance

Sun, 2018-12-30 21:39 Saudi Health Minister Dr. Tawfiq Al-Rabiah on Sunday called on Makkah Gov. ..


Budweiser overtakes Foster’s to become one of Britain’s biggest beer brands

BUDWEISER has overtaken Fosters to become Britains second-biggest beer brand behind Stella Artois. ..


Russia bans $500 million worth of imports from Ukraine in retaliatory sanctions

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has signed a ban on the import of more than 50 Ukrainian good..


2018: the year that the FAANGs got defanged

The Faangs (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google-owner Alphabet) have been the darlings of t..


Gatwick Airport closed and all flights suspended, with days of delays ahead

Passengers flying from Gatwick Airport have been told not to travel to the airport today, with all i..


A second referendum wouldnt be undemocratic… but it would be disastrous

As a Dutch Anglophile and a committed European, my natural sympathies lie with those currently aimin..


Facebook Rescinds Ban On Evangelist Franklin Graham Post And Apologizes

REX/Shutterstock Social media giant Facebook has apologized to evangelist Franklin Grah..


On The Basis of Sex Best Of Holiday Weekend Start for Newcomers; Beale Street Surges: Specialty Box Office

Focus Features It wont be a holiday week to remember for the specialties, unfortunatel..


President Donald Trump Tweetstorm – The Sunday Edition

REX/Shutterstock The master of nicknames – who can forget such classics as “Crooked Hil..


Der Spiegels first-class faker

HAMBURG — Fake news wasnt invented by the Russians. The New York Times had Jayson Blair, who faked ..