Africa News

Africa News

Kenyan governor charged in murder of pregnant student

Gov. Okoth Obado of Migori County in western Kenya is accused of killing Sharon Otieno, 26, who was ..

Africa News

Nigeria launches search and rescue mission for kidnapped crew

Navy spokesman Ayo Olugbode said several agencies are working on a joint search operation to locate ..

Africa News

Kenyan governor charged in murder of pregnant student

Gov. Okoth Obado of Migori County in western Kenya is accused of killing Sharon Otieno, 26, who was ..

Africa News

Nigeria launches search and rescue mission for kidnapped crew

Navy spokesman Ayo Olugbode said several agencies are working on a joint search operation to locate ..

Africa News

Kenyan governor charged in murder of pregnant student

Gov. Okoth Obado of Migori County in western Kenya is accused of killing Sharon Otieno, 26, who was ..

Africa News

Nigeria launches search and rescue mission for kidnapped crew

Navy spokesman Ayo Olugbode said several agencies are working on a joint search operation to locate ..

Africa News

South African court OKs private use of cannabis

In a unanimous ruling hailed by activists campaigning for the legalization of marijuana, judges decl..

Africa News

MP Bobi Wine back in Uganda, brothers arrested

"Bobi Wine has arrived back. His brother Eddie has been detained," Kyagulanyi's lawyer, Nicolas..

Africa News

Amnesty says 400 killed in ‘escalating violence’ in Cameroon

The human rights organization said it had recorded 260 security incidents, including cases of kidnap..

Africa News

Uganda pop star MP ‘violently arrested’ after being freed on bail

"The Uganda Police have violently blocked Hon Bobi Wine from traveling outside of the country in spi..