Africa News

Africa News

Ethiopia returns to a state of emergency

Last month it looked like Ethiopia had escaped from its cycle of political and ethnic unrest, when i..

Africa News

Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed hours after Zuma resigns

Ramaphosa, 65, the leader of the ruling African National Congress party since December, was the only..

Africa News

Mandela’s chosen one gets his turn in office

Nineteen years later, Ramaphosa finally has his chance — but under very different circumstances.He w..

Africa News

Ethiopia returns to a state of emergency

Last month it looked like Ethiopia had escaped from its cycle of political and ethnic unrest, when i..

Africa News

Mandela’s chosen one gets his turn in office

Nineteen years later, Ramaphosa finally has his chance — but under very different circumstances.He w..

Africa News

Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed hours after Zuma resigns

Ramaphosa, 65, the leader of the ruling African National Congress party since December, was the only..

Africa News

Middle East – North Africa News Brief

| Suggested reading: “Saudi Arabia, al Qaeda and the Salafist Dilemma” – Part 3 of the “American Fo..

Africa News

Middle East – North Africa News Brief

| Suggested reading: “Bahrain courts continue to strip protesters of citizenship” – Lima Charlie Ne..

Africa News

Cobalt mining, China, and the fight for Congo’s minerals

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is attempting to increase revenue from the 270% surge in ..

Africa News

Cyril Ramaphosa confirmed hours after Zuma resigns

Ramaphosa, 65, the leader of the ruling African National Congress party since December, was the only..