

Snapchat Helps Register More Than 400,000 Voters Ahead Of Midterm Elections

Valentin Wolf/Shutterstock The popular social media app Snapchat is doing its part for ..


AT&T Reports Mixed Results In First Full Quarter With WarnerMedia

Rex/Shutterstock In the first full quarter of operations with WarnerMedia in the fold, ..


Food porn? Ugly fruit & veggie startup gets hefty investment from basketball star Kevin Durant

A California-based food startup selling funny-looking agricultural produce has received a generous f..


How to beat rogue builders and landlords – give us YOUR stories and we can help

GETTY NIGHTMARE: When something goes wrong with your home its a whole different matter Shoddy b..


Budweiser overtakes Foster’s to become one of Britain’s biggest beer brands

GETTY SECOND BEST: Only Stella Artois sells more beer in Britain than Budweiser Research shows ..


Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting US farmers

Anti-Trump protests take place across Mexico Mexico is ready to hit the U.S. where it hurts: Corn...


Will the next iPhone charge wirelessly?

Happy 10th birthday, iPhone You may never have to plug in your iPhone again. Apple has joined an ..


How ‘America First’ could turn into to ‘India First’

What is an H-1B visa? America is great because of its willingness to accept talented immigrants. ..


Russia Launches Super-Luxury Limo Brand to Compete with Bentley – Putin Is First Customer (Viral Documentary Film)

This very well made film is very interesting because it shows how the Russians started a major indus..


Saudi Arabia clinches $50bn in deals at Davos in the desert forum despite Khashoggi crisis

The death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul hasnt hindered the kingdo..