

Steven Seagal Named By Russia As Special Rep To US For Humanitarian Ties

Associated Press Hes been “Under Seige” and “Above The Law,” not to mention “Hard To Ki..


Corporate crime: Five biggest financial scams of all time

When it comes to big money theres a whole lot of room for screw-ups, cover-ups and everything in bet..


Turkish lira plummets to all-time low as US sanctions begin to bite

Investors are dumping Turkeys national currency, the lira, after Washington imposed sanctions relati..


Liam Fox: ‘No deal’ Brexit most likely outcome

The most likely outcome of the Brexit process is leaving without a deal, according to international ..


Where German parties stand on Europe

BERLIN — Germanys election on September 24 is not just about who will become chancellor — it will in..


Why Germany should welcome our robot overlords

BERLIN — Lurking just beneath the surface in any debate about advances in digitalization and automat..


Hollywood Celebrates #ObamaDay & Laments Trump Reign of Error

Kurokawa/Shutterstock Barack Obamas adopted state of Illinois is commemorating its firs..


New Diary Of Anne Frank Stage Production Reimagined With Immigration Narrative

Universal Images Group/Shutterstock Frances Goodrich and Albert Hacketts play The Diary..


Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting US farmers

Anti-Trump protests take place across Mexico Mexico is ready to hit the U.S. where it hurts: Corn...


Will the next iPhone charge wirelessly?

Happy 10th birthday, iPhone You may never have to plug in your iPhone again. Apple has joined an ..