Middle East

Middle East

Iran to complete nuclear centrifuge facility in a month, official says

A facility in Iran's Natanz nuclear plant to build advanced centrifuges will be completed in a ..

Middle East

Manbij militia rejects Turkish control of strategic Syrian town

The militia controlling the flashpoint north Syrian town of Manbij said on Wednesday it would not ac..

Middle East

‘They came to kill him’: Palestinians mourn latest victim of Israeli occupation

Nabi Saleh, occupied West Bank – Dozens of men – young and old – from the Palestinian village of Nab..

Middle East

Saudi scouts help monitor prices near Grand Mosque in Makkah

Author: daniel fountainWed, 2018-06-06 19:10ID: 1528302342684104800 MAKKAH: Saudi scouts help mon..

Middle East

Jordan unions strike after new PM appointed

Shops and pharmacies closed in Jordan's capital on Wednesday as some unions pressed ahead with ..

Middle East

France, Germany, UK and EU demand exemptions from US Iran sanctions

Iranian women demonstrate outside the US embassy in Tehran after Trump pulls out of nuclear deal (AF..

Middle East

Israeli forces kill 21-year-old Ezz al-Din Tamimi in Nabi Saleh

Israeli soldiers shot and killed a 21-year-old Palestinian at close range on Wednesday morning in th..

Middle East

Saudi Cabinet praises recent royal orders 

Wed, 2018-06-06 05:38 JEDDAH: Saudi Arabias King Salman wished good luck to officials recently na..

Middle East

United States warns UAE not to assault Yemen port city of Hodeidah

An artillery cannon was recaptured by government-backed militias from the Houthis just outside of Ho..

Middle East

Turkey court orders conditional release of cartoonist

A Turkish court on Tuesday ordered the conditional release of one of the most prominent cartoonists ..