Month: December 2018


Innovation nation: China driving growth in intellectual property filings

Some 3.17 million global patent applications were filed in 2017, up almost six percent year on year,..


Russias $75 trillion in resources is why sanctions are impossible

The country with the largest mineral reserves in the world, Russia, is the second top exporter of ra..


Looking back on a wild year for oil prices

For the oil market, 2018 has been a roller coaster ride. Ups and downs are always expected, but the ..


6 post-Cold War taboos Europe must now face

Post-Cold War Europe is facing unprecedented strategic challenges. The rise of China has become Amer..


6 post-Cold War taboos Europe must now face

Post-Cold War Europe is facing unprecedented strategic challenges. The rise of China has become Amer..


How to get ahead in 2019: Become a bully

MOSCOW — Bullies in popular culture are often portrayed as cowardly aggressors who prey on the weak,..


How to get ahead in 2019: Become a bully

MOSCOW — Bullies in popular culture are often portrayed as cowardly aggressors who prey on the weak,..


Brexit Britain will be just fine

LONDON — Theres some James Bond film in which a power-crazed baddie is planning to blow up the world..


Brexit Britain will be just fine

LONDON — Theres some James Bond film in which a power-crazed baddie is planning to blow up the world..


Matteo Salvinis Catholic problem

ROME — At the close of the electoral campaign for Italys right-wing League party in February in Mila..