Month: December 2018


EU citizens still welcome after Brexit

The United Kingdoms departure from the EU means an end to freedom of movement between the two, but t..

Middle East

Turkish TV broadcasts images of ‘Khashoggi body parts’ being moved

A Turkish television station has broadcast CCTV footage showing men carrying cases and bags which it..

Middle East

Bahrain court rejects activist Nabeel Rajab’s appeal against five-year sentence

Rajab was jailed for tweets criticising Saudi actions in Yemen and accusing Bahrain of torture (AFP)..

Middle East

Gargash: Sweden agreement exposed Houthis before intl community

The Sweden agreement between the legitimate Yemeni government and the Houthi militias has exposed th..

Africa News

Egypt security forces kill 40 suspected terrorists in raids – report

Egypt's Interior Ministry said the raids, conducted at dawn Saturday, targeted three suspected ..

Africa News

Protests erupt in Congo over presidential election delays

Police fired tear gas to disperse dozens of protesters who blocked roads and burned tires in Beni, o..

Africa News

Sudan: 19 dead as violent protests continue for 10th day

Demonstrators burned tires on residential streets as organizers urged protesters to gather in large ..


Philip Hammond to set aside £3B more for Brexit preparations

LONDON — U.K. Chancellor Philip Hammond announced a major spending boost to stimulate the British ec..


Muriel Pénicauds magic formula to fix France

PARIS — Muriel Pénicaud has found a way of subduing Frances combative unions without having to call ..


Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting US farmers

Anti-Trump protests take place across Mexico Mexico is ready to hit the U.S. where it hurts: Corn...