

Russia’s Real Q1 Growth Was 5.8%, So Why Did the Government Report Only 1.3%?

This article originally appeared on the corporate website of Moscow accounting firm Awara. Having s..


Russia Launches Super-Luxury Limo Brand to Compete with Bentley – Putin Is First Customer (Viral Documentary Film)

This very well made film is very interesting because it shows how the Russians started a major indus..


Where German parties stand on Europe

BERLIN — Germanys election on September 24 is not just about who will become chancellor — it will in..


Why Germany should welcome our robot overlords

BERLIN — Lurking just beneath the surface in any debate about advances in digitalization and automat..


Ray Donovan Star Pooch Hall Faces 6-Year Prison Stint For DUI & Child Abuse

Shutterstock The sixth season of Ray Donovan is about start on October 28 but star Pooc..


RTDNA Chief Blasts Donald Trump, Calls On Media To “Double Down” On Security After Bomb Scares

Radio Television Digital News Association Calling on news organizations to “double down..


James Karen Dies: Poltergeist Actor Was 94

Shutterstock James Karen, who is best known for his roles in Poltergeist and The Return..


Muriel Pénicauds magic formula to fix France

PARIS — Muriel Pénicaud has found a way of subduing Frances combative unions without having to call ..


Merkel: Economic relations with Turkey will suffer over German detentions

Angela Merkel plans to reduce economic cooperation with Turkey in a bid to secure the release of Ger..


WarnerMedia Is A Non-Topic On AT&T Earnings Call As Exec Focus On Streaming “Tale Of Two Cities”

Justin Lane/Shutterstock Two years and tens of billions of dollars after the pursuit of..