Month: December 2018


11 of Budapest’s best festivals

(CNN) — Straddling the picturesque Danube, Budapest provides the perfect backdrop for a festival and..


The chef driving Hungary’s food revolution

(CNN) — Hungary is not a country known for its cutting-edge cuisine, but rather its traditional meat..


Will the next iPhone charge wirelessly?

Happy 10th birthday, iPhone You may never have to plug in your iPhone again. Apple has joined an ..


How ‘America First’ could turn into to ‘India First’

What is an H-1B visa? America is great because of its willingness to accept talented immigrants. ..


Tribune And Charter At Odds As Carriage Deal Deadline Looms

Tribune Media and Charter Communications have had an exchange of words Sunday as the deadline for a ..


CNN State Of The Union Anchor Dana Bash Draws Expletive From Sen. Lindsey Graham

CNN anchor Dana Bash was told her line of inquiry was “a bunch of bullshit” by Sen. Lindsey Graham d..


Russia Says No to GMO, Becomes Worlds Biggest Exporter of non-GMO Food

This segment of Russian TV does an in depth exploration into Russias agricultural industries includi..


Europe will never feel safe with a Trump White House

Among Americas European allies, Jim Mattis was seen as a bulwark against Donald Trumps most destruct..

Middle East

Hardline cleric Larijani appointed to head powerful Iran council

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appoints new head of powerful Expediency Council (..

Middle East

Netanyahu says Brazil moving its embassy to Jerusalem matter of ‘when, not if’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, and Brazil's President-elect Jair Bolsonaro le..